What’s next for U.S.-Africa relations under the Biden administration?

Wit­ney Schnei­d­man, a Brook­ings Africa Growth Ini­tia­tive non­res­i­dent fel­low, assess­es U.S.-Africa rela­tions under the Biden admin­is­tra­tion, dis­cuss­es how the next ver­sion of the African Growth and Oppor­tu­ni­ty Act might bet­ter sup­port U.S.-Africa trade, and offers rec­om­men­da­tions for enhanc­ing U.S. trade and invest­ment in the region. Relat­ed Con­tent Fore­sight Africa pod­cast is part of the Brookings…


If Trump’s Africa Strategy Is A Failure — What Would Biden Do If He Wins?

  The Unit­ed States is less than four months away from the elec­tion that would deter­mine con­trol of not just the Sen­ate and the House which make up the leg­isla­tive branch of the Amer­i­can gov­ern­ment, but also con­trol of the exec­u­tive branch, the White House. As the coro­n­avirus rages, and as protests over the mistreatment…

Obama’s Final State of the Union — What It Means for Africa

Unit­ed States Pres­i­dent Barack Oba­ma deliv­ered his final State of the Union address on Tues­day, Jan­u­ary 12. In his speech, Oba­ma focused on a num­ber of ideas, includ­ing the fact that Amer­i­ca has nev­er stopped being great, that diplo­ma­cy is a bet­ter way to deal with con­flict, and that all Amer­i­cans — regard­less of dif­fer­ences in…