Kenya's Democracy

Three Reasons Why Kenya’s Democracy Triumphed

Edi­tor’s Note: The August 2022 Kenya pres­i­den­tial elec­tion result­ed in a dis­pute that was resolved by the Supreme Court. Con­trary to pre­dic­tions that the dis­pute may result in vio­lence, the sit­u­a­tion end­ed with a peace­ful trans­fer of pow­er from the admin­is­tra­tion of Pres­i­dent Uhu­ru Keny­at­ta to a new admin­is­tra­tion led by for­mer Deputy Pres­i­dent William…

Kenya’s Supreme Court Upholds Presidential Election Results

In a sweep­ing rejec­tion of claims that the Aug. 9 vote had been rigged, the court con­firmed Vice Pres­i­dent William Ruto as the country’s fifth pres­i­dent. NAIROBI, Kenya — The Supreme Court of Kenya on Mon­day upheld the elec­tion of William Ruto as pres­i­dent, end­ing an acri­mo­nious court­room bat­tle over dis­put­ed results from the Aug.…

Kenya Awaits Supreme Court Ruling on Presidential Election

The Supreme Court is expect­ed to rule by Mon­day on whether the recent elec­tion of William Ruto as pres­i­dent, now mired in a wel­ter of con­flict­ing accu­sa­tions, should stand. NAIROBI, Kenya — With its hefty price tag and sophis­ti­cat­ed anti-rig­ging mea­sures, Kenya’s recent pres­i­den­tial elec­tion was sup­posed to be among the best that mon­ey could…

William Ruto Wins “Transparent Kenya Elections”

William Ruto was recent­ly declared pres­i­­dent-elect of Kenya, but vic­to­ry did not not come with­out con­tes­ta­tion. For­mer Prime Min­is­ter Raila Odin­ga, the run­n­er-up, is chal­leng­ing the results. Odin­ga received 48.8 % of the votes com­pared to 50.5 % for Ruto.  Accord­ing to the British Broad­cast­ing Cor­po­ra­tion (BBC), Odin­ga referred to the results as “null and void.”…

In the Kenyan Election, a Fierce Battle to Lead an African Powerhouse

Kenyans vote for a new pres­i­dent on Tues­day, end­ing a heat­ed race that shows why, in a trou­bled region, the East African nation mat­ters more than ever. KANGARI, Kenya — The heli­copter swooped over the lush tea and cof­fee fields flank­ing Mount Kenya, Africa’s sec­ond high­est peak, and touched down out­side a small high­land town where…