France Seeks to Calm Diplomatic Storm Over Macron’s China-Taiwan Comments 

France is try­ing to lim­it the diplo­mat­ic fall­out after Pres­i­dent Emmanuel Macron said Europe should reduce its depen­dence on the U.S. and avoid “get­ting caught up in crises that are not ours,” fol­low­ing a state vis­it to Chi­na ear­li­er this month. Crit­ics said Macron’s remarks under­mined the transat­lantic rela­tion­ship at a time of dan­ger­ous geopo­lit­i­cal tensions.…

Relations with Africa, Asia are on brink of collapse — to Russia’s benefit

Jérémy Lis­sou­ba is a mem­ber of parlia­ment for the main oppo­si­tion par­ty in the Repub­lic of Con­go. He’s also a deputy judge in the country’s High Court of Jus­tice and an alum­nus of the Oba­ma Foundation’s 2018 Africa Lead­ers Pro­gram. Over a year since the war in Ukraine began, the world remains caught in the…

France’s Baguette Becomes Another Ukraine War Casualty

The fall­out of the war in Ukraine is hit­ting even France’s icon­ic baguette, which was recent­ly added to UNESCO’s World Her­itage list. On Mon­day, French bak­ers took to the streets of Paris to protest soar­ing ener­gy and oth­er prices they say are imper­il­ing their trade. Denis Durand begins his work­days at 3:30 a.m. to bake the…

‘France Has Delivered Almost Nothing’

As the war in Ukraine approach­es the six-month mark, much has changed. Since Rus­sia invad­ed, more than 12 mil­lion Ukraini­ans have been dis­placed, of whom at least 5 mil­lion became refugees across Europe. Sev­er­al cities and towns, par­tic­u­lar­ly in the country’s cen­tral and east­ern regions, have been reduced to rub­ble. Some 5,000 civil­ian deaths have…

Will France’s Africa Policy Hold Up?

Sum­ma­ry Dur­ing his first term, French Pres­i­dent Emmanuel Macron sought to revi­tal­ize his country’s diplo­mat­ic out­reach to coun­tries through­out Africa. Some aspects of this piv­ot were designed to more direct­ly address the lega­cy of French colo­nial­ism in Fran­coph­o­ne coun­tries. He also sensed that the grow­ing stature of non-West­­ern pow­ers like Chi­na has giv­en African counterparts…