Stephanie Hancock

Stephanie Hancock — Coloradan, Black Woman Running for State Office

His­tor­i­cal­ly, Black women hold few elect­ed or appoint­ed offices in the US. That is accord­ing to the Cen­ter for Amer­i­can Women and Pol­i­tics at Rudgers Uni­ver­si­ty. This trend may be chang­ing as some notable elec­tions and nom­i­na­tions have seen Black women and oth­er women of col­or take posi­tions of lead­er­ship in Amer­i­ca. This includes the…

African Women Are Taking a Stand in Colorado, USA Politics 

Han­na Bogale is one of 7 can­di­dates run­ning to fill two at-large posi­tions on the Auro­ra, Col­orado city coun­cil.  As a sec­ond-gen­er­a­­tion Ethiopi­an Amer­i­can, she believes it is crit­i­cal for more Africans to become involved in pol­i­tics to encour­age the younger gen­er­a­tion to get their voic­es heard. “Every­body in the African com­mu­ni­ty hears Amer­i­can pol­i­tics and…

Naquetta Ricks’s Election Success Generates Interest

In U.S. elec­tion pol­i­tics, 2020 may prove to be like 2018 when Democ­rats swept every­thing. The clean­ing of the House at local and nation­al lev­els left Repub­li­cans hold­ing the bag and gasp­ing for breath. It was not just Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump who brought bag­gage that weighed heav­i­ly on the con­ser­v­a­tive move­ment across Amer­i­ca, the political…

Colorado Africans in the News

Col­orado Africans in the News This page is about Col­orado Africans in the News. The African com­mu­ni­ty in the state of Col­orado is an impor­tant part of the state’s elec­torate. More than ever before their voice is sought by the state’s lead­ers on impor­tant socio-polit­i­­cal mat­ters.  Africans in the Dias­po­ra For almost two decades, Africa Agenda…