Africa News Matters

Fea­tured Head­lines Fact Check Spot­light  Around the World More Sto­ries Videos In the News Cat­e­goriesAfrica Agen­da Analy­sis Africa News — Youtube African News Review African Per­spec­tive All Analy­sis Around the World BBC Africa — Youtube BBC News Brook­ings Insti­tu­tion Carnegie Endow­ment Cen­tral Africa Covid-19 Cul­ture and Soci­ety East Africa Elec­tions and Democ­ra­cy FactCheck For­eign Policy…

The Transformation of Africa Post-Independence: Malcolm Newton

Today we bring to you Part 3 of Africa Agenda’s Cel­e­bra­tion of World Press Free­dom Day in 2019: A dis­cus­sion about media issues impact­ing jour­nal­ists in the African con­ti­nent.  Greet­ings to our all of guests in the Unit­ed States and around the world.  Lessons to be learned: Stu­dents must learn the ethics of the pro­fes­sion of…

Be Careful What You Share on Facebook: Professor Ben Bongang

Today we bring to you Part 2 of Africa Agenda’s Cel­e­bra­tion of World Press Free­dom Day in 2019. Greet­ings to our all of guests in the Unit­ed States and around the world.  Les­son to be learned: High-qual­i­­ty news is impor­tant News man­agers must make a clear dis­tinc­tion between report­ing and opin­ion writ­ing Africans must learn to separate…

African Journalists Must be Fair: Professor Luka Powanga

World Press Free­dom Day, 2019 ‑Part 1 Ahead of the 2020 World Press Free­dom Day on May 3, today we bring to you Part 1 of Africa Agenda’s Cel­e­bra­tion of the event in 2019. Greet­ings to our all of guests in the Unit­ed States and around the world.  An inter­view with Dr. Luka Powan­ga of Reg­is Uni­ver­si­ty Duration:…

2020 World Press Freedom Day Celebration

The 2020 World Press Free­dom Day is on Sat­ur­day, May 3. This day is man­dat­ed by UNESCO (Unit­ed Nations Edu­ca­tion­al, Sci­en­tif­ic and Cul­tur­al Orga­ni­za­tion) as a day to put press free­dom issues into focus — to edu­cate our com­mu­ni­ties about the impor­tant con­tri­bu­tion that free and inde­pen­dent media plays in soci­ety.  As an orga­ni­za­tion, we’ve had…

Africa in the Rockies Profiles Africa Agenda

Africa in the Rock­ies, head­quar­tered in Boul­der, Col­orado is a busi­ness that gath­ers and dis­sem­i­nates infor­ma­tion about the African com­mu­ni­ty in the Rocky Moun­tain region of the Unit­ed States.  This infor­ma­tion then becomes acces­si­ble to those that need it. Because of such infor­ma­tion, it becomes easy to be able to access, con­nect and build connections…


Writing During Trump Era — 6 Things African Journalists Must Know

Writ­ing dur­ing the Don­ald Trump Era: It was crit­i­cal for those who advo­cat­ed on behalf of the African con­ti­nent, African blog­gers and jour­nal­ists espe­cial­ly, to take a stand and fight for the con­ti­nent we believe in. African blog­gers need to have a voice on the inter­net, just as the mil­i­tary has a voice on the…

About Us

Get the Whole African Sto­ry  Designed as a crit­i­cal engage­ment web­site to sup­ple­ment Africa Agen­da, Africa News Mat­ters aims to pub­lish the whole African sto­ry, not just a part, or some parts of it. The goal is to counter the per­va­sive mis­in­for­ma­tion and stereo­typ­ing of the African con­ti­nent. We do this by pub­lish­ing the truth…